Marantz unveils ‘WEAVE’ home entertainment system

26 Jun 2006

Although multiroom audio via a mains supply isn't a wholly new invention, Marantz is the first manufacturer claiming to offer full CD quality mains streaming with the announcement of its new WEAVE (Wired Entertainment Accessible via Electricity) products.

The WEAVE system comprises two units, the beautifully styled ZC4001 receptor and the ZR6001 AV receiver. The ZC4001 accesses your main home entertainment set-up via the mains as soon as it is plugged in, allowing you to listen to radio stations, CD players and any other component in your main system via its two speakers and built-in amplifier. The ZC4001 also can be operated independently with up to six '4001s plugged in at any one time around the home.

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Filed: Jun 2006, News, Powerline Networking, Co: None, Tech: None

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