Term | Definition |
Backbone | Main trunk at the uppermost level of a hierarchic network. The backbone may also connect several local networks (LANs). |
Broadband Power Line | To-the-home powerline communications — essentially DSL over mains cables |
Bandwidth | A measure of the rate at which digital bits can be transported from one place to another; also: frequency span over which useful signals can be transmitted. (de: Bandbreite, es: Ancho de banda) |
Device Language Message (DLM / DLMS) | A draft protocol for remote-readable electricity meters |
Earth | Set of interconnected conducting elements that will unify the electrical potential to a single value |
Earthing | Act of connecting to earth. (de: Erden, es: poner a tierra) |
Field | Spatial distribution of magnitude, direction and sense of magnetic or electrical effects radiated from a given source. (de: Feld, es: campo) |
Field Strength | Magnitude of the field vector at a given point. (de: Feldstärke, es: intensidad de campo) |
Filter | A device for the selective offer of a low impedance path for signals of a given frequency. (es: filtro) |
Frequency | Rate at which a physical parameter is changing per unit time, cycles per second [c/s] or Hertz [Hz]. (de: Frequenz, es: frecuencia) |
High Speed Circuit Switched Data (HSCSD) | A method for higher data transmission in existing networks by compression and channel packing (bandwidth 9.6-43.2 kbit/s). |
Homeplug | Industry alliance and de facto standard for In-Home powerline networks. |
Impedance | Aggregate opposition to be overcome when transmitting energy and signals of alternating current or pulses. (es: impedancia) |
Interference | Unwanted effect of one field over another. (de: Störung, es: interferencia) |
Internet Protocol | The standard protocol for transmission of data packets on the Internet. |
M-Bus | An interface for remote-readable electricity meters. |
Mains | The part of the electrical energy distribution system that delivers energy to individual customers. (de: Stromnetz, es: red de alimentación) |
Multiplexer | Functional unit managing a transmission channel or a passive medium in such a way that several station pairs can communicate simultaneously on this unit. |
Noise | Signals without a specific meaning. (de: Rauschen, es: ruido) |
Power | Energy per unit time [W] Watt. (de: Leistung, es: potencia) |
Power Line | System of cables through which electrical energy is made available. (de: Energienetz, es: línea eléctrica) |
Radiation | Manner in which electromagnetic and electrical fields propagate from an electrical source. (es: radiación) |
Router | System connecting physically different networks using the same transmission protocol. They route data packets, for example, from LANs to the Internet and identify optimum transmission routes for data traffic. (es: ingeniería inversa) |
Screening coefficient | Expression of how much the signal placed on the inner conductor of a coaxial cable is protected from outside electromagnetic fields by the shield; in [dB]. (de: Schirmeffekt, es: coeficiente de blindaje) |
Telecommunication | Transportation of a signal from one place to another; traditionally understood to be carried out over a physical line. (de: Übertragung, es: telecomunicación) |
Three Pot Bank | Three transformers on a powerline pole. |
Transformer | Electrical stationary machine that allows to change the values of voltage/current at which electrical energy is delivered. (de: Transformator, es: transformador) |
Twisted Pair | Pair of copper telephone lines. (es: Par telefónico / Par trenzado) |
Universal Powerline Bus | A Home Automation technology using Powerline Communications. Possible successor to X-10, CEBUS and LONWORKS. |