HomePlug® Powerline Alliance Announces Second HomePlug Executive Seminar in Japan for Consumer Electronics Markets

Alliance members to demonstrate HomePlug AV technology and discuss business opportunities for powerline technologies based on open standards

10 Jul 2006

San Ramon, Calif. - July 10, 2006 - Driving the worldwide acceptance of high-speed networking over power lines, the HomePlug® Powerline Alliance today announced that it will conduct a special executive seminar in Japan on the uses of HomePlug powerline communications standards in the growing consumer electronics and communications markets.

The meeting will be held on July 12 at the Keio Plaza Hotel in Tokyo, Japan. Intel Corporation is presenting the seminar with additional sponsors including Arkados Inc. and Intellon Corp.

“With the increasing demand for consumer-friendly yet robust networking solutions, HomePlug Powerline Alliance members continue to develop groundbreaking powerline applications by supporting a single open standard,” said Edward Butler, from Intel Corporation, who also serves as president of the HomePlug Powerline Alliance. “The HomePlug alliance views Japan as a significant emerging market for our standards-based approach to powerline networking solutions and we’re committed to pursuing the region as an integral part of global adoption.”

With millions of HomePlug-enabled products in use on six continents, the alliance's standards address the rapidly growing powerline communications market. The HomePlug Executive Seminar will provide detailed information to engineers, developers, business leaders and regulators about the technologies and competitive selection process behind the HomePlug standards, the alliance's commitment to global regulatory compliance and how companies are using HomePlug-based products to benefit consumers. In addition to describing the HomePlug technologies and their role in the global market, the seminar will address their suitability for the unique Japanese domestic market.

Topics to be covered in the HomePlug Executive Seminar include:

  • An overview of HomePlug networking standards
    • HomePlug 1.0 for Internet connection sharing and home networking
    • HomePlug AV for whole-house high-definition entertainment
    • HomePlug broadband over powerlines (BPL) for to-the-home Internet connections and utility applications
    • HomePlug Command & Control for home automation and other applications
  • HomePlug's approach to the unique Japanese domestic market
  • HomePlug AV Architecture Overview
  • Global Service Provider HomePlug Deployments
  • HomePlug BPL Overview
  • HomePlug Command and Control Overview
  • Interoperability, Effective Co-existence, Interference concerns, and worldwide regulatory requirements
  • Compliance and Interoperability Certification
  • The exciting future for HomePlug standards
  • Live technology demonstration of multiple HDTV transmissions using HomePlug AV

Those interested in attending the conference should submit their contact information online at japan2006.homeplug.org or send an email message to dkadakia@inventures.com. The seminar is free of charge, however early registration is encouraged as seating is extremely limited. Lunch will be provided for those who attend. Companies interested in receiving information about the HomePlug Powerline Alliance are invited to contact Executive Director Rob Ranck (rranck@inventures.com) for details on membership and activities.

Filed: Jul 2006, Events, Press, Co: Arkados, HomePlug, Intellon, Tech: None

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