Taiwan Telecommunication Industry Company

 Taiwan Telecommunication Industry Company

Listed In: BPL/PLC Companies

Tech Tags: HomePlug 1.0, HomePlug AV, HomePNA


Taiwan Telecommunication Industry Company is a joint venture between Tatung company and NEC for developing high quality communication products.

TTIC manufactures many products on an OEM basis for renowned brand names in Europe and Japan. As a leading telecommunications manufacturer, TTIC adheres to the management principles of innovation and customer satisfaction. TTIC has been concentrating on the development of computer and communication products for years, and it has received awards and recognition worldwide in recent years. It will continue to create state-of-the art products in order to be one of the leading brands in the world.

TTIC Products

  • TPLC-28 - Powerline Homeplug 28Mbps PLC Ethernet Bridge
  • TPLC-85 - Powerline Homeplug 85Mbps PLC Ethernet Bridge
  • TPLC-200 - UPA 200Mbps PLC Ethernet Bridge

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